SonicTonic – A Real Brainwave!

By Jet Candy

Anyone for a mind massage?!

Image courtesy of Blaz Erzetic

Today, our lives are filled with much more stress and pressure than ever before – not least as a consequence of living in lockdown, and the associated rise of mental anxiety. This can lead to mind-related disturbances such as feeling nervous, having problems with sleeping, and even depression.

Our bodies and minds send us warning signals, but we tend to ignore them and choose to suffer in silence. However, some of these problems can cause real sickness and it’s best to deal with them before they get too bad. Sleep deprivation, for instance, can lead to feelings of negativity, irritability and fatigue. Lack of sleep makes it hard to concentrate and to think clearly. As well as this, there is a tendency to negatively interpret emotional stimuli when lacking sleep, and that makes dealing with emotions quite difficult. So, not only do we interpret things negatively, but we also remember negative input more easily.

Image courtesy of Kinga Cichewicz

The implication of this is that when tired, we are more vulnerable to mental illness, particularly depression. That is why sleep is so important for your health – both mental and physical.

But how to ensure you are getting enough sleep in the first place? SonicTonic to the rescue! Downloading the SonicTonic app gives you access to a collection of immersive soundscapes that take very little time to take effect – and there is nothing you have to learn or practice in advance. SonicTonic is an incredibly supportive remedy, providing perfect blends of sound therapy for mental relaxation, de-stressing and alleviating anxiety.

Each Tonic is about ten minutes long – perfect for a quick fix. For some uses, such as for sleep, you can use the “looper” function to play your Tonics seamlessly for as long as you want to.

SonicTonic uses techniques that practitioners all over the world swear by. The “ingredients” (i.e. the sounds used in each Tonic) have been carefully combined to create really effective remedies that address a wide range of ailments. Every Tonic contains its own balanced mix of two or more auditory techniques, that have been individually combined to have a specific effect – and every ingredient has its own icon, so you can easily see what is in each Tonic.

SonicTonic is also perfect for making use of downtime, such as when you’re travelling, or for “mind travel” when you just want to take ten minutes of time out.

To get started, all you need is a smartphone or tablet, a pair of good headphones, and the SonicTonic app. The best part? To help people to cope with anxiety and worry during these difficult times, SonicTonic is completely free until further notice. Happy listening!

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