Escape To An Ayurvedic Retreat… At Home

By Jet Candy

Visiting an Ayurvedic yoga retreat in a tropical location may seem like a long lost dream – particularly as we can’t even travel beyond our kitchens right now. However, it is still now possible to experience all the luxury and goodness that staying at a retreat can give you, right from the comfort of your own home. We bring you our guide to creating the perfect at-home Ayurvedic sanctuary to give yourself a mental wellbeing boost, without even having to board a plane. Great for your body and great for your mind, and something important to do for yourself in your personal time.

Most retreats are based around a simple programme, and it is entirely possible to recreate one to follow at home. Be sure that as well as focussing on an exercise element, that your programme also gives you the chance to get into the habit of eating healthily.

Start your day early. Put the coffee pot to one side and rehydrate with a glass of warm water infused with fresh ginger and a squeeze of lemon, and even a pinch of turmeric, to gently stimulate your digestion and circulation. If you still feel sluggish, take a Jet Candy pillule, which contains arnica for general fatigue, cocculus for drowsiness and headaches, and gelsemium for ailments caused by loss of sleep and anxiety. Whilst this homeopathic remedy was developed to help combat jet lag, its all-natural ingredients mean it can give you a much-needed wellness boost – even if you’re not flying.

Another of our favourite products is a scent called Still from the Universal Soul Company, a three-in-one room spray, meditation spray and pillow mist. A magical combination of 100% natural essential oils, the spray is a heady blend of patchouli base notes to ground and balance, relaxing mid notes of lavender and lavandin to de-stress, and delicate top notes created to lift and enhance your mood.

All the best retreats begin with an early morning yoga session, and this is something you should do in your at-home retreat. There are plenty of classes online that you can follow, with routines for every level of expertise.

But exercise is hungry work! After rolling up your yoga mat, indulge with a big bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast, enhanced with a scattering of assorted seeds, including all-essential flaxseed.

Now it’s time for your first therapy session. Sequester yourself in your bedroom and book yourself some time with your own personal therapist – you! Select some soothing music – there is plenty of “spa sounds” music that you can stream online – and warm up some massage oil. Coconut oil is usually used in Ayurvedic massage therapy, but any other flavour will work. If you don’t have any massage oil, don’t worry. You can use extra virgin olive oil – add some drops of lavender essential oil into it, if you have any.

Self-massage is very easy to do. Start from the feet and work upwards, giving special attention to your toes. Then move on to massaging the ankles with gentle strokes, moving upwards. Then work on your body, face, arms and the parts of your back that you can reach. This is all about giving yourself some TLC, so don’t forget to give yourself a few compliments on your technique.

When you have finished your self-massage, make sure that you really relax your posture. Start by fully relaxing your shoulders. You may find you have been continuously stressed for years and never really relaxed properly. Now is the time to just let go, releasing the stresses and strains that have built up over the years. You can only detox properly when you are totally relaxed.

A great mid-morning booster (and part of any good retreat) is a glass of freshly pressed vegetable juice. So wipe down your old vegetable juicer and get going. Carrot, celery, spinach, ginger and apple are all good, and bursting with flavour.

Now you are topped up with energy, it’s time to make lunch. There are lots of Ayurvedic recipes online that you can experiment with during your retreat. What you’re looking for is an alkalising diet of fresh fruits and raw vegetables that are high in nutrients and low in calories.

Remember that lunch in itself is a therapy. We are all so used to eating in a rush during a short break, so take your time, and sit down comfortably. Feel grateful for the food you are about to enjoy. Close your eyes and just for a moment thank the earth for nourishing you. For so long, we have taken a lot for granted. Some of those things have suddenly disappeared, but to have food is still a blessing; so for a few moments, be grateful for your home, your food, fresh water – even your internet connection… Then really take the time to enjoy all the delicious flavours and textures.

After lunch, head out to a nature spot for a walk, making sure to keep to the 2 metre rule. While you are out, try to engage all your senses. Look at the trees, listen to the birds, feel the breeze on your face, smell the earth, touch a leaf on a tree – and ground your feet into the grass.

When you return from your walk, luxuriate in the bath – late afternoon (why not?) is the perfect time for this. Get some Epsom salts if you can, as this makes your bath super relaxing and soft. The magnesium in the bath will soak into your skin, allowing the cells to release excess sodium.

Finally, finish off with a castor oil pack, which is a gentle way to relax and detox the liver. Take a small cotton flannel soaked in castor oil and place this over your liver area. Cover with a warm towel and a hot water bottle to make it extra relaxing.

Perhaps now more than ever, our mental and physical wellbeing is of such importance, and introducing even just a few elements of self-care into your daily routine can be incredibly grounding. Why not give it a go yourself? Namaste!